BilLinda DeVil ~ All Innocent Children Better Beware – If She Doesn’t Scare You No Evil Thing Will

“Gates talks about her wealth almost as though it is a cross she must bear.

~ April Dembosky, [2011] “People Person”, Financial Times

Your enormous wealth is a cross to bear?  Like you are the nation’s martyress? Really Melinda? 

Such a narcissistic, disgusting, whining thing to even allude to –

which brought to mind this blog post…

and Cruella De Vil.

Cruella De Vil
Cruella De Vil
If she doesn’t scare you
No evil thing will
To see her is to
Take a sudden chill
Cruella, Cruella De Vil

The curl of her lips
The ice in her stare
All innocent children
Had better beware
She’s like a spider waiting
For the kill
Look out for Cruella De Vil

Cruella De Vil
Cruella De Vil
If she doesn’t scare you
No evil thing will
to see her is to
take a sudden chill
Cruella, Cruella De Vil

This vampire bat
This inhuman beast
She ought to be locked up
And never released
The world was such
A wholesome place until
Cruella, Cruella De Vil

Cruella De Vil
Cruella De Vil
If she doesnt scare you
No evil thing will
to see her is to
take a sudden chill
Cruella,Cruella De Vil

At first you think
Cruella is the devil
But after time has worn
Away the shock
You come to realize
You’ve seen her kind of eyes
Watching you from underneath
a rock!

Cruella De Vil
Cruella De Vil
If she doesn’t scare you
No evil thing will
to see her is to
take a sudden chill
Cruella,Cruella De Vil

Cruella De Vil
Cruella De Vil
If she doesn’t scare you
No evil thing will
to see her is to
take a sudden chill
Cruella,Cruella De Vil

Look out Cruella De Vil ~ Disney

I became curious about the other half of the Gates Foundation as I thought about their foundations title:

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

As I look at CRUELla De Vil’s costume above, I am reminded of Yin and Yang in the colors of black and white, representing good and evil.  I think about how many people are persuaded to believe that the Gates Foundation is purely good, that the couple are truly philanthropists to the core, always giving to the poor.  Nothing could be further from the truth when you investigate their dark side.

When one looks from afar and begins connecting all the spots on this Dalmatian of a foundation, you can begin to see the evil side, where their black is beginning to dominate the lily white.

What is Melinda’s role in the Gates Foundation? Read further to explore the starring role she has taken on through a character we are very familiar with —  CRUELla De Vil.

Melinda Gates went public in 2008 and three years ago, I must admit, I wasn’t really following her.  I, like many other education advocates was focused on the damage contrails that we all thought were left by Bill Gates  at that time.   I railed against Bill’s education policies;  blaming him for the swath of destruction and I wasn’t really focusing on Melinda.

As the 6th Most Powerful Woman in the World according to Forbes in 2010, actually MORE POWERFUL than First Lady Michelle Obama who is 8th, Melinda Gates is a force to be reckoned with.

I think that was a major oversight on my part and I think we all need to look carefully to research just what Melinda is up to in the world of education policy.

On January 7th, 2008; Melinda Gates went public in an interview and article that appeared in Fortune Magazine, CNN’s Money under the heading “Philanthropy” titled “Melinda Gates Goes Public … about living with Bill, working with Warren Buffet, and giving away their billions” written by Patricia Sellers.

Melinda French, at 22 with an MBA was working at Microsoft and describes the young company as “acerbic”.

“Arriving in Seattle in 1987 as a marketing manager for a predecessor of Word, Melinda, 22, was naive about what Microsoft held for her. “There were a lot of idiosyncratic people. They were all so smart, and they were changing the world,” she says, unfazed that she was the youngest recruit and the only woman among ten MBAs. The culture, though, did faze her. “It was a very acerbic company,” she recalls. That culture trickled down from the top, where Gates and Ballmer badgered and harangued managers. Melinda thought about leaving Microsoft…
Melinda worried about marrying Bill. “Bill had money,” she says. “To me, it was like, Okay, Bill has money. Big deal.” She saw what success was doing to him – robbing him of his privacy and a normal life. Both Melinda and Bill, in fact, questioned whether his conquer-the-world capitalist nature could co-exist with a family.”
“Both Melinda and Bill, in fact, questioned whether his conquer-the-world capitalist nature could co-exist with a family.

Unfortunately, she chose to marry that acerbic-trickle-down-badgering-and-haranging-meglomanic and became BilLinda De Vil instead where she tries to control children as if they were her creatures — pets if you will — giving money only with strings attached like leashes.

I would venture to say some of the ‘acerbic’ nature of Microsoft has rubbed off on Melinda, unfortunately and is now trickling down to their hold on public education and the innocent youth of America’s public schools , where children are chained to their narrowed curriculum and high-stakes over-testing and their guinea-pig-like experiments.

“All innocent children should be aware – if she doesn’t scare you; no evil thing will!

~ Cruella De Vil, 101 Dalmations ~ by Selena Gomez and Disney

And now, that acerbic view of the world is being passed down to future generations of this 1% power couple.

Here you can see where indoctrination of the 3 children born into the Gates Dynasty will get their world view in the Gates household as Seller’s article discusses in a section describing the couples response to questions from their own children.  This is how the indoctrination of the rich 1% spreads through generations.  The Gates children were evidently curious about what exactly their parents do so they showed them a video about kids with polio.  When one of the Gates children asks “Did you know that boy?”  here is the response:

“A few years ago when they showed a documentary about polio, the kids asked about a crippled boy featured in the film: “Did you help that kid? Do you know the name of that kid? Well, why not?” On and on. “We don’t know that boy,” Melinda told the children, “but we’re trying to help lots of kids like him.” Bill’s explanation: “I’m in wholesale. I’m not in retail!” ~ Patricia Sellers [2008] Fortune Magazine

“I’m in wholesale. I’m not in retail!” ~ Bill Gates

This is the real world view this couple has about all the children’s lives they touch – they’re simply products they can control through wholesale marketing of their grandiose ideas! 

The problem with these risks is they do not investigate with the experts in the fields they control and the impact reaches millions of people!

Yet Sellers presents an almost pathetic persona of Melinda Gates, a caricature that we should all pity in her story, with quotes and sidelines designed to manipulate the reader into feeling pity for Melinda.

For example, how does a woman who owns the Gates mansion refer to her house as a

“metaphor for her desire for normalcy”

unless they are so out of touch with the reality of millions of children living homeless and in poverty?

“The house is, of course, a metaphor for Melinda’s desire for normalcy.” ~  Patricia Sellers

Somehow in light of today’s economic depression, 1.3 million HOMELESS children, 1 in 2 families living near or in the poverty line, these words become shockingly disgusting.  They demonstrate how out of touch with reality Melinda Gates really is when looking at the lives of those she claims to be serving through her philanthropy.  Guess what Melinda – children can’t eat tests!  Children can’t perform well on tests when they are food insecure and/or shelter insecure!

Melinda, you need to get schooled on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, I tell you!  You and your Gates Foundation have inverted this hierarchy and that is why your methods/policies are failing! You and Bill expect students to achieve/perform well, then go to college, and THEN make a living that allows them to meet their physiological, safety, and security needs.  Duh!

It’s the poverty STUPID!

But somehow we’re all supposed to be worrying about poor Melinda, are we?

“Along the way, Melinda has sacrificed privacy, security, simplicity, and normalcy. In the late 1990s, during the Microsoft antitrust trial, her husband was widely regarded as the biggest bully in business. And isn’t anyone married to Bill Gates susceptible to losing her identity – to being perceived as the ultimate accessory?” ~  Sellers

Now doesn’t this just make you feel sorry for Melinda and all she has had to sacrifice?  But wait, there’s more….it’s almost as though she actually has to WORK for a living:

“Forgive her if she overcompensates. One day this past fall she spent many hours at her children’s school…and then hosted a dozen dinner guests, including four African health ministers who were in Seattle for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Malaria Forum. By 10 P.M., after everyone had left, she was feeling frazzled and panicky about her speech the next morning. “Just go to bed!” Bill told her.

And another ploy at sympathy for the couple comes from another interview with Komo News, Kathi Goertzen in 2004 — such a terribly overwhelming life they have traveling all over the world juggling a schedule.  Tsk! Tsk!

“Melinda and Bill log tens of thousands of miles each year around the world supporting their foundation’s work. Tackling health and social issues like education and homelessness demands a huge commitment of time and energy, and the schedule juggling can be overwhelming.

I’m sure Melinda did all the cooking and cleaning herself, just like the rest of us peasants after working all day!  Oh, but it only gets better for her.  I think one of the main reasons that those of us educators who are putting the responsibility for the education policy changes on Bill rather than Melinda, is because he’s always been the mouthpiece for these changes.  This article explains that for us too!

“Melinda dreads the spotlight….

But in the past year, Melinda Gates is taking on the role of spokesperson far more frequently.

“The past year also marks something of a coming out for Melinda Gates, as she takes to the media to promote the foundation’s maternal and child health programme. Until recently, she has acted more behind the scenes, letting her husband be the primary spokesperson, spar with journalists and answer critics...

But as she has become more expert on the issues the foundation is embracing, Gates has come to understand her own influence and the role she can play as an advocate. To build more support for their causes, Gates has accepted more media interviews, though with some reservations. “ ~ April Dembosky, [2011] “People Person”, Financial Times

How is this relationship between the Gates couple tied to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation work?  According to this article, Melinda is the driving force behind the philanthropy work.

Let us NOT FORGET that Melinda has her masters degree in business folks!

Seller’s article made me rethink my ideas about

who is really wearing the pants in the Gates family and thus question…

Who is really in charge of public education?  Could it be Melinda Gates?

And Melinda is the cause of the work branching out to education, etc.  Bill would most likely still be working at Microsoft if it weren’t for Melinda.  In fact, Bill Gates says he wouldn’t do much of the philanthropy work at all if it weren’t for Melinda.  So there you go!

“Friends of the couple say that he wouldn’t be shifting gears if it weren’t for Melinda. Moreover, they say, she has helped Bill become more open, patient, and compassionate. “Bullshit!” he bellows. Nicer, perhaps? “No way!” he shouts, grinning because he knows it’s true. One thing he admits readily: Thanks to Melinda, he is easing comfortably into his new role. About the philanthropic work he says, “I don’t think it would be fun to do on my own, and I don’t think I’d do as much of it.”

And in an interview with Seattle Komo News,  Bill Gates said

“You know, I wouldn’t be doing the foundation if it wasn’t for her,” he said. “And she’s really shaped where we’re going with it.” Kathi Goertzen [2004],“One-on-One with Melinda Gates

Who wears the pants in the Gates’ marriage and what’s up with this three-some?

And what is this strange “threesome” they have going on with Warren Buffet?

“Buffett also believes that Melinda makes Bill a better decision-maker. “He’s smart as hell, obviously,” Buffett says. “But in terms of seeing the whole picture, she’s smarter.” Would Buffett have given the Gates Foundation his fortune if Melinda were not in the picture? “That’s a great question,” he replies. “And the answer is, I’m not sure.”

It seems Buffet is very involved in their relationship, even in the purchase of the Melinda’s grotesquely expensive wedding ring as noted in Seller’s interview.  Do the math on this one! OMG! Still feeling sorry for poor Melinda folks?

“As Buffett drove them to Borsheim’s, a jewelry emporium owned by Berkshire Hathaway, he kept ribbing: “Bill, there’s a metric of love here. I spent 6% of my net worth on Susie’s ring. I don’t know how much you love Melinda, but 6% is the yardstick in Omaha.” Bill, worth $7.3 billion by this time, inquired about sales per square foot while Melinda checked out the goods. “I said an emerald. Bill said a diamond is more appropriate,” she recalls. She chose a diamond scandalously shy of Buffett’s price target.”

So who exactly wears the pants in the Gates marriage?

“This is not exactly a marriage of equals. Melinda is better educated than Bill, having graduated from Duke University with a BA (a double major in computer science and economics) and an MBA. Harvard’s most celebrated dropout…

…Melinda also outperforms him athletically. She runs once a week with a few friends – seven miles in an hour, a brisk pace – and tries to exercise five days a week. She has completed the Seattle marathon and climbed, with ropes and crampons, to the peak of 14,410-foot Mount Rainier.

…Melinda also understands people better than he does, Bill admits.

…(“Bill’s very good at complicated jigsaw puzzles, but she’s unbelievable,” Buffett says.)

“Melinda is more scientific and reads more than 99% of the people you’ll ever meet,” he says.” [Bill Gates]

So, in fact it sounds like Melinda outpaces Bill Gates in ALL major areas, making this article sounds like it is rendering him as sort of useless except for the Microsoft $$, doesn’t it?  I hear he’s good at tennis.  Oh, well…

Did Melinda choose the areas the Gates Foundation targets after all?

The Gates Foundation could have taken a much less lethal approach to helping public education.  At one point in time they were involved in supporting libraries.  But …

“Initially, Melinda recalls, the idea was to put laptops in classrooms – which was derided by many as a self-serving gesture by a software tycoon.”  ~  Sellers

But just how did Melinda influence Bill Gates to really make his mark in public education?  Gates’ arch nemesis in his Microsoft Anti-Trust case and the attorney prosecuting him, Joel Klein in NYC  ended up being partners to take down public education.

How could this happen?  One would never imagine them working together to take down public education!  But imagine the arguments made by Melinda Gates who soon convinced her husband to put aside this battle to take apart public education!

“The Gateses’ partner here happens to be Joel Klein, who led the government’s antitrust case against Microsoft a decade ago and now runs New York City’s public schools. Klein appreciates the irony of their alliance, calling the progress “a tribute to Bill.” For his part, Bill claims that it was no big deal to give his money to his former nemesis. And Melinda won’t say a word about the tension that stemmed from that period. “That’s part of our relationship that I need to keep private,” she says. But clearly she helped her husband get his head around the notion of working with Klein.” ~ Sellers

  1. SURPRISE!  I have a new target for you to practice on!  You’re going to partner with your arch nemesis Joel Klein so we can take down public education by privatizing it and investing in every aspect of education for profit! ~

  2. Glenn Close as Cruella De Vil, 102 Dalmatians (2000). [Theatrical Trailer]

And once BilLinda De Vil [aka Melinda Gates] enlisted the “education advocacy groups”; bribed by Gates’ foundation money, the world turns quickly to do their bidding.  Seriously, does Melinda really manage the education policy?  Her influence is one of control to create children all of the world in her mirror image, her ascerbic style of control mixed with Bill’s input is designed to create millions of little standardized De Vil-Bot-Widgets.

Cruella De Vil: “All right. Keep the little beasts. Do what you like with them. Drown them, for all I care. You’re a fool, Anita! I have no use for fools. You’re fired, you’re finished, you’ll never work in fashion again! I’m through with all of you! I’ll get even! Just wait. You’ll be sorry, you fools, YOU IDIOTS!” ~  101 Dalmations, [1996] IMDb

“When it comes to investing their philanthropic assets,

Melinda wields even greater influence.

…Early on she and Bill agreed to focus on a few areas of giving, choosing where to place their money by asking two questions: Which problems affect the most people? And which have been neglected in the past?

“We literally go down the chart of the greatest inequities and give where we can effect the greatest change,” Melinda says.”

As I read this statement, I think about how public education was once the “great equalizer” and I worry about the narrowed curriculum mandated by the Gates’ education policies, the over-emphasis on high-stakes testing that then leads to a lack of time to provide broad more important curriculum choices – like a study of history, civil rights, voting, and democracy in our schools.  I worry about the past 20 years of charter school implementation and the exponential growth in privatization at their hand and wonder about the loss of civil rights as a result of the world through Melinda Gates’ eyes unfolding before us.

Cruella De Vil: [scary whisper] “Oh, yes! I love the smell of near-extinction!”

~ 101 Dalmations, [1996] IMDb

Melinda’s ego on the world stage is growing bigger than any one of us should be comfortable with to be sure.  As she questions herself, she keeps marching forward, broadening the scope of control over areas that impact real lives of real people she admits she does not even know.  She is more than dabbling in areas well beyond her knowledge and skill levels and on some personal level her conscience is telling her that, but she is not listening to that inner voice, nor to experts in each of these fields as she moves deeper into this narcissistic delusion she has created in her role as BilLinda De Vil.

Frederick: I thought we liked stripes this year.
Cruella De Vil: What kind of sycophant are you?
Frederick: Uh… what kind of sycophant would you like me to be?

sycophant– a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage

apple polisher, bootlicker, fawner, groveler, groveller, truckler – someone who humbles himself as a sign of respect; who behaves as if he had no self-respect
adulator, flatterer – a person who uses flattery
goody-goody – a person who behaves extremely well in order to please a superior

And each step Melinda Gates takes forward moves us closer to extinction of the world as we know it.

“But if you’d asked me yesterday if I would like a much simpler life, I would have told you yes.” Yesterday was that night before the Malaria Forum, when she went to bed feeling unprepared. This morning, as she sat onstage and scrutinized the audience of renowned doctors and health experts, she says, “I was telling myself, ‘I know that person … I know his work … I know her work.'” She was giving herself a pep talk. “I told myself, ‘But I do know enough.'” She completed her goal for the day: calling for the eradication of one of the worst diseases the world has ever known….“Tomorrow, another goal. Maybe it will be even bigger. [Melinda Gates] ~ Sellers

What a tangled web of deception they weave.

About Highlighting Members' Needs

We are running for the following Renton Education Association positions because we believe in the following planks: Becca Ritchie, Candidate for REA President, Nelsen Middle School, Computer Tech Susan DuFresne, Candidate for Primary Executive Board, Maplewood Heights Elementary, Integrated Kindergarten ✅  Demanding a healthy work-load/life balance. ✅  Bargaining competitive professional compensation. ✅  Challenging the status quo test culture with: Less is more! ✅  Emphasizing our professional expertise. ✅  Prioritizing equity and access for all. ✅  Utilizing 2-way 21st century communication tools. ✅  Acting in solidarity with all unions. ✅  Supporting ALL members. ✅   Implementing developmentally appropriate K-3 curriculum/assessment. View all posts by Highlighting Members' Needs

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